Piedmont, Italy
After an extensive search, we decided the Bruna family were the perfect fit. We admired their ability to combine incredible professionalism, environmental credentials, with excellent working conditions for everyone involved in the process.
Fabrizio, with a background in mechanical engineering, has brought an impressive level of detail to the roasting process.
Whilst many might consider a simple oven, Fabrizio bought the top of the range temperature controlled chamber with a patented air flow system. The machine gently heats the nut against an abrasive surface, to ensure the skin is removed without lesions to the nut. This typifies the family's dedication to quality.
Fabrizio was chosen as he embodies the mix of technical expertise and care we really value and strive towards as an organisation. As a one-time mechanical engineer at Ferrero, now returned to his family farm, he combines technical best practice with a big-hearted welcome.”
— Charles Tebbutt, Director of Food & Forest

What’s in a nut? What does it take to get the PGI mark?
The Protected Geographic Indication (PGI) mark, is a European classification system used as a mark of quality and local distinction.
Like a wine's appellation, the hazelnut must meet the following conditions to be approved:
Be produced in the Piedmont region.
Derive from one of three closely related varieties; tonda gentile delle langhe, tonda gentile trilobata. All hazelnuts grown by the Bruna family are “Tonda Gentile delle Langhe”, the best of the eligible varieties.
Toasted Tonda Gentile Hazelnuts
Toasted IGP Hazelnuts from Piemonte, Italy. Lightly toasted to remove the skin and bring out the natural rich creaminess typical of the Tonda Gentile variety.